Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Chap 2: Real Numbers - Investigative Activity (I) Addition of Numbers

In this investigative activity, you are going to add integers of different combinations:
  • positive and negative integers
  • negative and negative integers
Observe patterns amongst the answers generated.
Draw up a 'rule' that would guide us when we add integers (especially when it involves negative integers).

Vocabulary List: Numerical Part. Sign. Positive. Negative. Difference. Sum. Same.

You are going to work in pairs or threes.

1. One of you will download the file "Chapter 2 Investigative Activity - Addition and Product.numbers" (from GoogleSite: 01 Mathematics). Another will display the blog post so that you could enter your discussion into the Comments.

2. Refer to the worksheet "Addition of Numbers":
  • (a) Enter formula to find the value of "a + b" of the first set of integers (i.e. 10 + (-1)). The spreadsheet will compute the value automatically for you.
  • (b) Copy the formula to the rest of the cells below; also to the next column.

3. Discuss the patterns you observe between the addition of integers:
  • (a) What happens when a positive integer + a negative integer (given that the positive number has a greater numerical value)?
  • (b) What happens when a positive integer + a negative integer (given that the positive number has a smaller numerical value)?
  • (c) What happens when a negative integer + a negative integer? How similar or different it is when compared the sum of two positive numbers?
4. Pen the observations down in the Comments. Suggest a rule that would help one when adding two integers.

5. Sign off the Comments with the name(s) of both of you.

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